[mnemo] csv import patch

Jason Lohrenz jmlohren at glmmn.com
Thu Dec 11 23:25:31 PST 2003

Per my bug post a few minutes ago I added the following below.  In
Outlook, the notes description is always the 1st line in the note, so I
added a few lines to parse out the first line of the note and set it as
the note description.



Line 39 of mnemo\data.php

$app_fields = array('desc' => _("Memo Desc"),

                            'body' => _("Memo Text"),

                            'category' => _("Category"),

                            'flag' => _("Flags"));


Lines starting at 118 of mnemo\data.php

$desc = split("\n",$row['body'],2);

$row['desc'] = $desc[0];

$result = $storage->add($row['desc'], $row['body'], $row['category']);


I'm a VB Programmer by day and am just starting with PHP so I apologize
if my coding is poor.


Next I'm working on a way to correlate the text Categories that outlook
has with the numerically stored categories that mnemo uses.


Jason Lohrenz

IT Manager

Pacific Medicaid Services


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