[nag] Nag installation

Alfonso Marí­n Marí­n almarin at um.es
Thu Nov 29 09:59:13 UTC 2007


I'm installing Nag-h3-2.2-rc1, and after unpack, i tried to configure it 
with Horde Administration Menu, but i have this error:
Notice*: Undefined index: storage in 
*/var/www/horde/apps/nag-h3-2.2-rc1/lib/Driver.php* on line *175*

Then, to solve it i created a conf.php with:


And then, I configured the application properly in Horde Administration 

My question is, ¿Should be a conf.php.dist or similar to distribute with 
the application at least with a entry similar as i typed before?

In INSTALL steps, you don't have any reference to this problem... After 
copy *.dist files to properly names, it says that you have to go 
straight to the Horde Admin Menu, but then you have this problem.


Alfonso Marín Marín
Sección de Telemática - ATICA
Universidad de Murcia
Tlf: 968 39 8742

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