[nag] Error when finishing a task via checkbox

Sven Flossmann sven at flossmann-online.de
Mon Oct 6 05:29:04 UTC 2008


I'm getting the following error, when I try to finish a task in the 
tasklist via the checkbox:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::get() in 
/var/www/www2.flossmann.net/horde_080912/horde/nag/lib/Driver.php on 
line 345

The corresponding code segment is below.

What I'm not understand are the following two things:
a) Why is the tasked moved? (Where shall it be moved to?)
b) Obviously, an error happend (PEAR_Error). Why is the get() method not 

btw: If I complete the task via edit -> mark it compete -> save ... then 
it seems to work.


PS: NAG V2.3, Horde V3.3

if ($task->tasklist != $tasklist) {
     /* Moving the task to another tasklist. */
     $share = $GLOBALS['nag_shares']->getShare($task->tasklist);
     if (!is_a($share, 'PEAR_Error') &&
         $share->hasPermission(Auth::getAuth(), PERMS_DELETE)) {
         $share = $GLOBALS['nag_shares']->getShare($tasklist);
         if (!is_a($share, 'PEAR_Error') &&
             $share->hasPermission(Auth::getAuth(), PERMS_EDIT)) {
             $moved = $this->_move($task->id, $tasklist);
             if (is_a($moved, 'PEAR_Error')) {
                 return $moved;
             $new_storage = &Nag_Driver::singleton($tasklist);
             $new_task = $new_storage->get($task->id);
             /* Log the moving of this item in the history log. */
             if (!empty($task->uid)) {
                 $history = &Horde_History::singleton();
                 $history->log('nag:' . $task->tasklist . ':' . 
$task->uid, array('action' => 'delete'), true);
                 $history->log('nag:' . $tasklist . ':' . $task->uid, 
array('action' => 'add'), true);
                 $log_tasklist = $tasklist;
         } else {
-->         $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(_("Access denied 
moving the task to %s."), $share->get('name')), 'horde.error');
     } else {
         $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(_("Access denied 
removing task from %s."), $share->get('name')), 'horde.error');

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