[nag] Nag Shares assistance

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Thu May 3 04:24:28 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I'm currently testing horde 4 and I need some help with Nag 3.0.7.   
I'm current with the other horde components.  My issue is that I need  
to login with a userid and need to store my information in mysql as  
user at domain.com.  With horde 3, I have a realm set up in imp  
servers.php and my info is stored correctly.  With horde4 and imp,  
realms are no longer supported, so it is suggested to use the  
authusername hook in horde, which I am trying to use.
This is what I have in hooks.local.php
class Horde_Hooks
     // USERNAME HOOK: See above for description of format.
     public function authusername($userId, $toHorde)
         // Example #1: Append the virtual domain to the username.
         // ex. $HTTP_HOST = 'mail.mydomain.com', $userId = 'myname' returns:
         // 'myname at mydomain.com'
         $vdomain = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
         $vdomain = substr($vdomain,strpos($vdomain,".")+1);
         $vdomain = Horde_String::lower($vdomain);
         $userId = Horde_String::lower($userId);

         if ($toHorde) {
             return $userId . '@' . $vdomain;
         } else {
             return (substr($userId, -strlen($vdomain)) == $vdomain)
               ? substr($userId, 0, -strlen($vdomain))
               : $userId;

I'm not a coder, so some of this was put together from the example in  
hooks.php.dist and searching on the web.  I need to be able to ignore  
the x.mydomin.com.  It doesn't matter what x is.  I don't understand  
how to do this with the preg_replace example in the hook.  Anyway,  
using the above, the userid and domain is always sent in lowercase.   
This seems to work fine, when I login, I see in my logs

May  2 22:46:00 www HORDE: [imp] Login success for admin (Horde user  
admin at mydomain.com) [] to {localhost:993 [imap]} [pid  
30731 on line 176 of "/home/httpd/html/horde/imp/lib/Auth.php"]
May  2 22:46:00 www HORDE: [horde] Login success for  
admin at mydomain.com [] to horde. [pid 30731 on line 153 of  

When I choose tasks, looking at the nag_shares table, I see that share  
owner is admin at mydomain.com.  If I create a new share, the owner will  
also be admin at mydomain.com.  When I go to change the permissions, the  
owner tab shows at admin@, and I see this in my log:
ay  2 22:59:32 www HORDE: [horde] Share id 0 not found [pid 30826 on  
line 234 of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Share/Sql.php"]

If I add the show and read permission, then save and finish, the share  
owner changes to admin@@mydomain.com.  If I go back and change or  
remove any permisions, then save and finish again, the share owner  
changes to admin@@@mydomain.com.  An additional @ character is added  
everytime you do something with the permissions, and the Share id  
error is shown in the logs.

I don't know what to do to correct this.  I've tried various changes  
to the hook to try to understand what's going on, but nothing works  
for me.

Also, would someone else confirm that when you create a new share,  
then try to choose the color using the color picker, that trying to  
drag the circle to a color to see the hex code doesn't work.  I check  
the bugs, but didn't see this listed, so I want to make sure if this  
is only something I'm seeing.

I would appreciate any assistance.  This is a test box, so I should be  
able to give whatever addiional information you need.

Thanks very much in advance.

John H. Bennett III

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