[nag] Nag Stage 6

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 21 May 2001 09:47:12 -0400

Quoting rbarnett@neuromics.com:

> < - An SQL database support by PEAR's DB interface
> ---
> > - An SQL database supported by PEAR's DB interface


> <     $conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'horde_prefs';
> ---
> >     $conf['prefs']['params']['table'] = 'nag_tasks';

No, horde_prefs is the correct place to put preferences.

> < This is for my local PostgreSQL installation.  It should look look
> fairly
> ---
> > This is for my local PostgreSQL installation.  It should look fairly


> Are there any plans to allow for a manual ordering of the tasks?  It doesn't
> look like the nag_tasks schema would support that.

I'm not sure what you mean by manual ordering?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth.