Fwd: RE: [nag] Nag and New task

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:03:37 -0500

----- Forwarded message from M Z Rahman <zrahman@partex.net> -----
    Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:16:14 +0800
    From: M Z Rahman <zrahman@partex.net>
Reply-To: zrahman@partex.net
 Subject: RE: [nag] Nag and New task
      To: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>

Nope. I checked the /tmp/horde.log and also my mysqld log. No error. Even i
changed Horde's logging to debug to see if i get anything or not... i get
only the following in /tmp/horde.log when i try adding a task:

Mar 08 13:10:06 HORDE [debug] [nag] Language selected from browser: en_US
[on line 50 of "/www/horde/lib/Lang.php"]
Mar 08 13:10:16 HORDE [debug] [nag] Language selected from browser: en_US
[on line 50 of "/www/horde/lib/Lang.php"]
Mar 08 13:10:16 HORDE [debug] [nag] Language selected from browser: en_US
[on line 50 of "/www/horde/lib/Lang.php"]



-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Hagenbuch [mailto:chuck@horde.org]
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 12:51 PM
To: nag@lists.horde.org; zrahman@partex.net
Subject: RE: [nag] Nag and New task

Quoting M Z Rahman <zrahman@partex.net>:

> Ok, now this is all could dig out from what I was getting. When I add a
> task, as coded in the task.php, $task_id supposed to get a number other
> 0 (zero), right? And when I add another task then the $task_id supposed to
> increase by 1, something like that. But, whenever I add a task, I can see
> the URL bar of the explorer that the task_id is always 0 (zero). Please
> the following snapshot:

Are you getting SQL errors or something?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan

----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan