[nag] Re: completed tasks in strikeout on horde page?

Bill Edgington horde@0x20.com
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 02:28:34 +0200

>> I notice that nag tasks marked as "completed" are in < strikeout > on the
>> Nag (List Tasks) page, but not on the Horde homepage (where it would be
>> nice as well). Is something wrong with my install (CVS from June 11
>> 2002), or is this intentional, or is there a config option somewhere to
>> fix it, or can I contribute a patch?
>It's just an oversight; a patch would be great.

OK.. I only had to change nag/lib/api.php. The diff is at http://0x20.com/horde/lib.api.diff

Just a few changes to nagSummary().

By the way, I just # diff api.php api.php.new > api.php.diff ... Is there a different/standard way you like to receive patches?