[nag] Distinction between shared task lists

Brian Keifer brian@valinor.net
Thu Nov 7 04:05:36 2002

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Hi, list.

I'm getting ready to roll out a horde mini-intranet for our little group of
sysadmins.  One of the things that Nag is missing is the ability to see mult=
users' task lists but also have some way to identify what tasks belong to wh=
user.  A couple of hours and a few cans of Mountain Dew(tm) later, I give yo=
the attached diff.

It adds several features to Nag:

1)  A preference to show/hide the username of each task's owner in the summa=
view.  See it in action at: http://valinor.net/ss/tasks_username_patch1.png

2)  A preference to group task lists by username.  If this is enabled, the t=
are grouped by username and then sorted by whatever your default sort criter=
is.  For example, sorting by priority used to give you:

Sue - 1 - Buy more Dew
Joe - 2 - Fix the window
Sue - 3 - Feed the badgers
Tom - 4 - Mop the floor
Sue - 5 - Paint the fence

With this pref enabled, it would be more like this:

Sue - 1 - Buy more Dew
Sue - 3 - Feed the badgers
Sue - 5 - Paint the fence
Joe - 2 - Fix the window
Tom - 4 - Mop the floor

3) In Nag's task list, an extra column has been added that displays the
username.  The obligatory screenshot is at:

Take a look at the patch and kick the tires.  Commit it if you like, hack it=
bits if you don't. =3D)

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