[nag] nag 1.1 missing conf parameter

Jon Parise jon at horde.org
Sat Dec 28 13:46:23 PST 2002

On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 02:19:15PM +0100, Daniel Eckl wrote:

> Zitat von Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> > http://horde.org/source/versions.php
> Okay, I see that you are not interested in such information.
> But perhaps, the other readers of this list are.
> If you don't want to say anything, then please don't say anything.

He's saying that Nag 1.1 works with Horde 2.1.  You said you're
running "the latest CVS", which is either Horde 2.2-cvs or Horde
Jon Parise (jon at horde.org) :: The Horde Project (http://horde.org/)

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