[nag] Driver - sql and category

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Nov 4 17:48:52 PST 2003

Quoting Johan FISCHER <linux at fischaz.com>:

> I'm trying to modify the source code of the Nag Driver in order to enable
> both the category and the sql driver in the HEAD CVS.

The SQL driver works just fine right now. The category driver needs to be
updated, but I'm really unclear why you're changing code outside of

> I'm basing the modification on the Thor module model and adapting the
> functions in the files.

Thor's code is messier and less efficient than Nag's.

> Currently, the new Driver works with the sql driver (the same as before) but
> is now using the same model for sql and category, so normally, the category
> driver should work too.

Right... but you took the SQL driver and reverted a whole lot of improvements
all over the place, instead of just fixing the category driver.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"I am not that interested in green food." - Average Joe

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