[nag] Question and patch.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Jun 27 09:34:50 PDT 2004

Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp at encontacto.net>:

> I was looking at some tasks and thought I would give "add follow
> up task" a try since I wasn't sure what it might do.  I got an
> error because it was looking for -require NAG_TEMPLATES .
> '/list/footer.inc'; which doesn't exist.  I assume that it
> should be /list/task_footers.inc, if that is true I have
> attached a patch.

No, that file just doesn't exist anymore.

> After changing, and clicking on add follow up task and having it
> apparently register itself as a follow up task, I still don't
> understand what I have done.  Could someone tell me what it
> can/should be used for?

I'm not really sure what you're unclear on. It uses Horde_Links to register
follow-ups. Things that are dependant on the current task.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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