[nag] Private tasks, assigning tasks

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 05:24:48 PST 2006

Well, you were saying that you would assign the list to be viewable to
only a certain person, but you could assign it also to a group.  Then
when a given person that's in that group goes to look at it we'd know
since they are a member of that group.  Like use the same field and
either it resolves to a person or if its a group nag just determines
if the requesting person is in that group.


On 3/21/06, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> Zitat von Jared Greenwald <greenwaldjared at gmail.com>:
> > Is there a way to implicitly associate a user with a given group.
> Yes, but what does this have to do with my questions?
> Jan.
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