[nic] General Improvements

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 12 18:13:00 PST 2005

Quoting Mike Bydalek <mbydalek at compunetconsulting.com>:

> The first thing I wanted to do was use it with some Cisco equipment.
> The problem with this is, of course, there is no Cisco driver!  I
> started to look at the code and thinking about it, and I think the best
> way to do this would be to create just a 'router' device.


> The problem with that, of course, is now that each router is going to
> have different oid's the user would want to query.  So, do we have an
> oid param for device router in the devices.php, or is there a better way
> to go about this?  If the same way of doing is kept, a user would need a
> different class per router they wanted to monitor, which wouldn't be a
> good way to go.

I'm not sure I follow. You could specify an array of oids for each router
device... ?

> The second thing I would like to do is to "upgrade" the graphing.  When
> compared to RRDTool, let's just say it could be better.  What I was
> thinking about doing was adding an option to store data not only in the
> primary driver, but to also use an RRD file format.  That way, all of
> the calculating is done along with a very customizable graphing function.


> To implent this, I was thinking about putting a reference to a
> RRD-Driver in Nic_Device_SNMP::retrieveStoreableData() in SNMP.php  In
> here, I would just pass all the data that would need to be stored to the
> RRD file which can be pulled seperately, or all together, via. rrdgraph.

Sounds fine in theory...

> The downside of this is that there's actually duplicate storage devices
> being used, sql and rrd.  Personally, this wouldn't be a bad way to go
> as the stats and whatnot can more easily get the recent data from the
> SQL driver, and the rrd can be used solely for graphs.  My only
> hesitation with this is that it's "not the Horde way" (or at least what
> I've learned to think the "Horde way" is...).

I don't really see it that way, so I'm curious what you think the
"Horde way" is with respect to this.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John Quincy Adams

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