[nic] Creation of RRD files problem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Jun 17 06:26:52 PDT 2006

Zitat von Sean Brown <Webmaster at skdb.de>:

> Hi,
> When trying to run php createRRDFiles.php, the following occurs:
> This script has detected the following RRD Files:
> Continue?
>     (0) No
>     (1) Yes
> Type your choice: 1
> How often are you going to run the statusMonitor.php script (in seconds)? 0
> The rrdtool is installed and the path to the folder is also set but the
> script fails to create any new rrd files!?
> The statusMonitor.php has already successfully been run and I have a "green"
> list of my devices in nic, but for graphs etc, rrd files would be needed.
> It maybe something I have failed to understand but any help would be
> greatfull.

Do actually have any devices in config/devices.php that are configured  
for SNMP and rrdtool?


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