[sam] help with spamassassin and mysql

Devin Drown drown@banzai.org
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:25:18 -0400

That was simple enough.  Thanks.  I noticed that the sql statements in the set 
was geared for pgsql.  Based on the info on the spamassassin web page:


I think that this might be a suitable for setting up the tables in mysql:

CREATE TABLE userpref (
  prefid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  horde_id varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  username varchar(8) NOT NULL,
  preference varchar(30) NOT NULL,
  value varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (prefid),
  KEY username (username)

> Quoting Devin Drown <drown@banzai.org>:
> > What i'm looking for is some help in diagnosing what could be going on.  
> I had to run spamd with -qx to get it to work...
> -chuck