[sam] SAM proposed change

Ruben van der Steenhoven ruben@webmeesters.net
Wed Nov 20 10:11:20 2002


i started using SpamAssassin in combination with Horde recently (i use horde 
for about a year now, in the CVS version), but found one little thing,which you 
noticed before,but imho didn't completely fix :
There is indeed a problem that horde uses the full user@domain.tld whereas 
SpamAssassin only uses the (UNIX/Linux)-name, you have corrected that in the 
database, but i would like to be able to set the name the user enters into the 
database when creating new SAM records (either the user's name or @GLOBAL for 
an horde administrator) 
Can you do this? Now i have to use SQL to change any values in the database 
I would be much obliged!
Kind Regards,

Ruben van der Steenhoven,

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