[sam] Fwd: [imp] SAM / spamassassin for filtering

Liam Hoekenga liamr at umich.edu
Tue Mar 25 18:35:11 PST 2003

> You have to integrate SpamAssassin with your local MTA. SAM is only a tool
> to manage user preferences for SpamAssassin.

I figured that out in a flash of insight while I was at the gym.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure that the team that runs our IMAP service is
going to see this as a viable solution.  Anyone know of a way to remotely
manage procmail securely?  (Maybe something that could get integrated into

I would love to be able to propose an "opt in" message filtering solution
to our IMAP team..

> Neither did I. I finally gave up. That didn't matter to me because we are
> only two users on my server anyway. :-)

Chuck actually had the answer on a spamassassin mailing list.. you have to
invoke spamd with -qx (q = sql-based configuration, x = no local user


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