[sam] Trouble with spam_extension drop-down list

Josh Endries josh at endries.org
Thu Jan 13 08:46:37 PST 2005


I'm using amavisd-sql and having trouble with the spam_extention 
drop-down mailbox list option. We have a Cyrus backend. I modified 
the default list a little to only include the user's mailboxes 
(INBOX.*, not shared mailboxes like user.*). This is what I have in 

if ($GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('mail/folderlist')) {
     $mailboxes = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('mail/folderlist');
if ($mailboxes && !is_a($mailboxes, 'PEAR_Error')) {
     $_attributes['spam_extension'] = array(
         'label' => _("File spam Into Mailbox:"),
         'type' => 'enum',
         'required' => false,
         'params' => array(array())

     $_attributes['spam_extension']['params'][0][] = '';
     foreach ($mailboxes as $mbox) {
         if ($mbox['val'] != 'INBOX' && 
strpos($mbox['val'],'INBOX',0) !== FALSE) {
             $_attributes['spam_extension']['params'][0][] = 

I added a blank option at the top in case they want to turn it off; 
I didn't see a way to do it otherwise. The problem is: in SQL it is 
setting the addr_extension_spam column to the index of the array, 
such as 0 for the top option, 1, 2, 3, etc., rather than the name of 
the mailbox (INBOX, spam, Sent, etc). The form's <select> has values 
equal to these indices, rather than the name, is this correct? I 
would think it would use the name of the mailbox, since that's what 
you want after the extension ("+" for me) character.

What should I change to get this working correctly?


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