[sork] change to vacation module

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 12:42:13 -0500

Quoting Brian Diggle <B.W.Diggle@leeds.ac.uk>:

> Changing the operation of the vacation message module
> so that current state is reflected would be a useful change.

Agreed (to some extent).  The CVS HEAD version of the forwards module
will now try to fetch your current forward, and fill it in as a default
value for the field.  I intend to make something like this for vacation
also, but have not yet found time.  
> I.e. When a vacation message has been previously set
>  the module reflects this and displays the currently set
> vacation message with an option to modify or cancel. 

Basically, what I want to do, and should be simple to do,  is this:

Try to read any current vacation message.  If successful, display this
instead of the default message.  In addition, when you change/setup
the message, call the same routine so that your new message shows up
instead of the default message. 

> Also, when the vacation message is not set, this is
> indicated and the option is given to set up a vacation message.

I'm not sure about this part.  It changes the logic a lot.  Any one else
have any thoughts as to whether it is needed that we some how let the user
know if they already have a vacation notice set or not, rather than just
updating the message text if set?

> Brian.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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