[sork] vacation program db formats

Derek J. Balling dredd@megacity.org
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 10:52:06 -0400

At 9:30 AM -0500 7/12/02, Eric Rostetter wrote:
>  > It might not be too hard to simply toss "pre-created" .db files of
>>  each type in the distribution, and reference those. For example,
>>  include:
>>	v_template.null
>>	v_template.db2
>>	v_template.db3
>>	[etc]
>You know, that seems much easier :)  And if people come up with vacation
>programs that don't work, they can submit the appropriate file for 
>I think we may have a winner here.  The user would still have to configure
>per realm which format to use, with "null" being the default in case they
>don't set anything...  (So only sites where null doesn't work *need* to
>be configured, though all site probably *should* configure it)

Exactly. I'd have "undefined"=="null", and then you don't have to 
special case the use of /dev/null, but yeah, this seems like a winner 
to me as well, and not just cuz I thought of it. ;-)


| Derek J. Balling             | "You can get more with a kind  |
| dredd@megacity.org           |  word and a two-by-four, than  |
| www.megacity.org/blog/       |  you can with just a kind      |
|                              |  word."               - Marcus |