[sork] Head version of passwd w/ldap

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 23:40:50 -0500

Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:

>     function Passwd_Driver_ldapd($params = array())
> That seems to be built from the driver variable that is ldap. Either we
> should change ldap in conf.php to ldapd or this to ldap.

Fixed in CVS HEAD (driver is now ldap rather than ldapd)
> In the new config file rootdn is in the conf.php.dist and it seems that 
> basedn is being used in lib/Driver/ldap.php although in my tests I added
> rootdn for ldap_connect to lib/Driver/ldap.php.

Fixed in CVS HEAD (changed rootdn to basedn).

> I also removed the old PASSWD_BASE . ldap.php just in case it was causing
> the problem.  I think the other drivers could/should be removed from 

They were removed in CVS HEAD when the original commit was done.

> I'm going to add the cvs diff to this with the observation that I was not
> sure where hordeuser and password should be defined.  I chose conf.php over
> lib/Driver/ldap.php

I've not implemented any thing for this yet.  I will make changes as soon
as I find time to make this happen (based on the other Horde apps handline
of ldap, where rootdn/password are optional, and only used if provided,
with the required comments to make it somewhat understandable).
Thanks for finding the bugs!

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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