[sork] Is /admin part of sork? + patches for samba and apg.

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 13:34:17 -0500

Quoting Ilya <mail@krel.org>:

> i am actually more concerned about possibility of sql statement injection,
> than if mail being lost, due to inability to type ;)

Yeah.  That's not an issue for the .forward based module.  But would be
for sql, and maybe others.  I'd suggest trying the PEAR DB::quote 
function as far as sql goes:

    * Quote the given string so it can be safely used within string delimiters
    * in a query.
    * @param $string mixed Data to be quoted
    * @return mixed "NULL" string, quoted string or original data
    function quote($str = null)

I'm guessing there must be lots of examples in the Horde/IMP code (like
the preferences code, etc).  

You could also use some of the php quoting functions, though I would
hope the PEAR stuff would do everything needed.

Anyone who knows more about PHP sql quoting want to speak up?

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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