[sork] sork - vpopmail

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 15:45:59 -0500

Quoting sork@stean.ch:

> Hello everybody,
> perhaps I made some work which was already made before,
> but just to mention. As I am using horde/imp with qmail/vpopmail
> there is no good way to setup a poppassd so I extended sork
> on my own to work with vpopmail.

I think you could make a poppassd server, but that isn't the point. 
A native implementation is probably better (if done correctly).

> Quite not completly tested yet, but it is working and used by my users, I
> think

Feel free to contribute the code. :)

> that the idea of having other backends than those used by the sork modules
> right now should be taken as extension into the next releases.

It already has been.  The driver backend system makes it fairly easy
to extend them by simply adding one file, and any needed configuration

> Regards, stean
> -- 
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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