[sork] Re: [imp] Issue with poppasswd
Eric Rostetter
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:18:58 -0500
Quoting salvador morgane <msalvador@exaprobe.com>:
> 2. If I look in the logs, I don't see real error messages except the
> following PHP warning:
> "[Fri Aug 2 11:06:56 2002] [error] PHP Warning: Call-time
> pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value; If
> you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of
> fsockopen(). If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference,
> you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file.
> However, future versions may not support this any longer. in
> /xxx/horde/passwd/poppassd.php on line 8"
What version of php are you using? And if you add:
allow_call_time_pass_reference = true
to your php.ini (and restart the web server) does it work?
I've not seen this before, but it makes some sense, as we do indeed
try to pass values by reference to fsockopen() in line 8, just as it
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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