[sork] Feature request
Eric Rostetter
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:42:10 -0500
Quoting Peter Andersson <peter.andersson@larare.finspong.se>:
> I'm not sure if you want this or if IMP wants this...
It should go into sork, not IMP.
> I use Postfix/Courier with MySQL as backend. I would love to have the
> forward set in my MySQL db instead of .forward files.
On the to-do list.
> I would ultimately want to see it as a config option under the ordinary IMP
> settings.
It should be independent of IMP, which is why sork exists.
> Please if I have misdirected my mail, let me know where to send the feature
> request.
You sent it to the correct place.
> I don't think I can do it myself. I do some PHP programming, but it is on a
> lesser level.
> Thank you for your time and effort.
> Peter Andersson
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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