[sork] aliasing with vacations

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 12:54:35 -0500

Quoting Shannon Lekas <shannon@flyingmug.com>:

> With Aliases configured(aliases.db in postfix ) I can received mail to my
> system user shannon@flyingmug.com or shannon.lekas@flyingmug.com.  However
> the vacation notice is only sent when the email is sent to
> shannon@flyingmug.com.
> Nothing is returned when mail is sent to shannon.lekas@flyingmug.com.

Known issue.

> Any suggestions?

Wait until I implement alias support, or implement it and submit it to

If you look at the latest CVS HEAD, you'll see a commented out entry
for aliases in the form.  Proof that I at least started on this at
one point, but never got very far...

> Shannon Lekas
> --
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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