[sork] vacation mode & poppassd input error

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 21:34:42 -0500

Quoting Charles Robinson <crobins@proexam.org>:

> 1. Notice: undefined variable: mode in horde/vacation/main.php line 49
> Line 49>       if ($error == false) switch ($mode) {
> This is the only line that contains a reference to $mode.
> The doesn't seem to be a default value for the variable.

Change $mode to $vacationmode to fix it.  (Already fixed long ago in CVS)
> Can anyone suggest what the value of $mode should be or what code
> modification is necessary.

It is set as $mode in the form, so if you have your php setup to set
form input as variables, it will work, otherwise it won't.  So just
change it to $vacationmode and it will work in all cases.

> 2. I use uw-imap for mail & wanted to use the password module.
> Does poppassd work with imap? I was under the assumption that it did.

It doesn't matter which servers you use, but how they authenticate.
In general uw-imap and poppassd work fine together.

> When I run the binary why do I get this response:
> #(1) telnet server 106    (server is actual servername)
> Trying ###.###.###.###... (# are actual numbers)
> Connected to server.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 200 server poppassd v1.6a hello, who are you?
> crobins
> 500 Username required.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> #

You need to reply with "user crobins" rather than "crobins"

> Its a solaris 2.8 server. running uw-imap. passwds are histed by nis on
> another server sunos 4.1.2. I also compiled the program on the sunos
> server but the response is the same as above the standard input is not
> captured.

It may not work well with NIS, but the only way to find out is to try it
and see.  I've used a modified poppassd server to make it work with NIS
before, so if it doesn't work natively, there is hope you can make it work
with some effort.

> When I run the the password module in horde I get:
> 500: permission denied.

Best to try debugging like you did above with a telnet to 106.  But
the commands you need to send are:

user username
pass oldpassword
newpass newpassword

> Any suggestions on these issues whould be really appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Charles
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Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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