[sork] Passwd module to include smbpasswd

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 10:18:59 -0500

Quoting Mike Egglestone <megglestone@heritage.sd57.bc.ca>:

> The setup I'm using is just the normal tarball from ftp.horde.org/pub

That has no smb support, so you would have to have your poppassd server
do it, or set up some system support (pam, etc) to do it.

> I normally have samba passwords sync'd to unix passwords via smb.conf.
> A user would do this from a windows machine. (control panel, password icon)
> etc.

Then it sounds like you probably want the CVS HEAD of passwd.  It could
be set to change the smb password, and samba would then sync the unix password

> Anyway, it looks like I need the CVS version to have smbpasswd support?

Yes.  But it isn't so easy as that.

> and if so, do I have to have a seperate sync after the "passwd" module has
> changed the smbpasswd file? (ex. smbpasswd support from passwd module only
> changes the smbpasswd file and nothing else?)

I thought you said samba sync'd the unix passwords?  Note that the smbpasswd
command can be used locally or remotely, and might provides different
functionality depending on how it is used.

> I guess I need to ask whats the diff between CVS Head and the regular
> tarball?

CVS HEAD is the current developement version.  CVS RELENG_2 is the patched,
current release version from which new V2 tarballs will be cut.  The tarball
version is release version, cut from the RELENG_2 branch.

> Cheers,
> Mike

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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