[sork] Passwd Branching soon?

Espen Jürgensen espen@hhkol.dk
Tue Oct 8 22:58:56 2002

I'm not using passwd, so I dunno if it's relevant, but I recently did a rewrite of the forwards module which might be useful in this regard?

I think it did for forwards what you want to do for passwd:

> - Consistancy and easier configuration.

> - Would allow different drivers for different realms.
Yes, exactly!

> - Get the server config out of conf.php and into backends.php
... I called it modules.php instead of backends.php.

> - Allow conf.php to be removed and replaced with conf.xml
Mmm, yes probably.

> - When a user is allready logged in don't prompt for the current =
password again,
> we can get this from Auth::, or at least make this a configurable =
Yes, I made this optional in forwards too. Also added a couple of other optional prompts (username, homedir, email-address - can be nescessary in certain configurations of vacation). Furthermore, the rewrite allows custom function hooks like in IMP. So instead of asking for the password or whatever, it can look it up, if it differs from Auth::

> - Auto log the user out after they successfully change their password.
Wasn't really relevant in forwards, but the framework itself (main.php) is pretty flexible, so with the appropriate driver and template it could be done, I think.

I also integrated forwards and vacation into one driver, so they wouldn't overwrite each others settings in such a brute fashion. Also made a couple of other changes, like enabling retrieval of current forwarding settings and a small improvement of the ftp calls.

Basically I stripped all the forwards-specific code out of main.php, Drivers.php and conf.php, and put it all in the drivers and in modules.php. But take a look for yourself here 
