[sork] Re: [imp] poppassd - limiting access attempts

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Sun Oct 13 03:33:13 PDT 2002

Quoting DV Black <groups@ComputerBums.com>:
> A security question about the IMP password module:

Are you running IMP 2.x?  If so, it is an IMP password module.  Otherwise
it is a Horde password module.
> If we were to install the password module into IMP,
> would it be possible to limit the number of attempts
> to find and change the old password (via poppassd)?

There is no provision in the passwd module for this.  So, you would need
to either find a poppassd server that supports this, or code it into either
passwd or poppassd.  I don't know of any poppassd servers that support this.

My suggested way to do this would be to have a PAM based system, and have PAM
control the number of password changes per account per time period.  Than
I would get a PAM enabled poppassd server.  That would be the best practice
way of doing it, in the unix/VMS/PAM world at least -- you don't say which 
OS the passwords are on...

> - Thanks
>    Don V Black

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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