[sork] Re: [dev] smbpasswd driver

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu Oct 31 17:00:42 2002

Quoting René Lund Jensen <lundeman@tbkol.dk>:

> Hey
> I resently upgraded my passwd module, and thereby got the new changes with
> the new backends system.
> I realised that the smbpaswd driver wasn't updated.
> .. so I updated it.


> The changes are rather big compared to the old smbpasswd file, so insted of
> a diff I send you the new file. feel free to do any cleanup/changes you
> need.

I've done some cleanup/changes and put it in CVS.  Please test it out and make
sure it still works.

The lack of error checking in the _disconnect() routine bothers me slightly.
I'm not sure that an error closing the pipe should be ignored, though in
theory we may have a valid response back before that.  Anyone else have 
any thoughts here?

> There is also a diff of backends.php.dist against latests CVS.

Now in CVS.

> It's working well on my installation.
> If someone could please test it, I would appriciate any feedback.

Yes, please, any one who can (including René) please test the CVS version.

> René Jensen
> Rene@lundjensen.net

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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