[sork] sork and ldap

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon Nov 11 18:55:12 2002

Quoting glawler@brooks.edu:

> hi all,
> i am trying to get sork working with ldap.
> is there a good ldap/ftp/sork document that someone can point me to?

There really are not any docs yet except for what is in the 
*/docs/ directories for the applications themselves.

I'd welcome any docs that any one wants to submit.

> i was planning on using proftpd but am open to suggestion.

No ideas.  I use wu-ftpd myself.  No ldap/proftp experience.

Maybe someone else on the list can help, as I know there are ldap users
on the list.

> thanks a lot
> greg

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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