[sork] Problem with the vacation database in vacation-2.1

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Dec 10 09:01:15 PST 2002

Quoting Glynn Condez <glynncondez2001@yahoo.com>:

> I have a problem with my newly installed vacation-2.1
> in horde-2.0, imp-3.0 and forwards-2.1.
> I found out that .vacation.db is empty, so what I did
> is to remove all the .vacation.* in my homedir and run
> vacation -i and vacation works fine.

You need to configure vacation for your database file format.  In
vacation/config/conf.php you set the default database type in the line

$conf['server']['params']['dbtype'] = 'empty';

Empty is the default value.  Obviously that doesn't work for you, so change
it to the correct type.

Assuming unix, do a file command on your vacation.db file generated with
"vacation -i" and that will tell you in a rather cryptic way what type of
database file you should use.  Failing that, you could try the supported
file types one by one until you find one that works, but that isn't the
best way.  If you do find your database format isn't supported, then 
submit the file generated by the "vacation -i" for inclusion in future

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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