[sork] mysql - vpopmail - change password?

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Dec 19 12:00:36 PST 2002

Quoting Arnold <arnoldcrypto@wanadoo.es>:

> First  of all sorry to ask this here, i know is not the right place:

Seems to be the correct place ;)
> I have Qmail, horde-imp (amazing) vpopmail, and i think that poppasswd can
> change users systems passwords but still there are no support for vpopmail
> users passwords, it is in development, i think again.

Yes, there is vpopmail (via sql) support in the CVS HEAD version of passwd,
but it is not yet in the release version.

There is a generic sql driver in the release that you might be able to
get to work with vpopmail, or then again maybe not. ;)

> Vpopmail, can store users passwords in MySQL? (i'm not sure)

Yes, and the passwd support only does vpopmail passwords in a sql backend
(shouldn't be specific to MySQL though, any sql db should work).

> and then
> poppasswd can change this vpopmail MySQL passwords, so the users can reset
> or change their own pass in IMP?

You can (in HEAD) do it without poppassd.  (And it is technically in Horde,
not IMP, but that is a minor technical nit).

> Did anyone has a Faq or a step by step manual to set up qmail, vpopmail, imp
> and anything to make users change their passwords in IMP??

I don't know of any, but that is because I don't run qmail/vpopmail.

> I do have tried a bunch (about 12 instalations) but no luck still.
> Please, forgiveme again for this kind of questions here.
> And thank you for your work and your time.

Seems an appropriate place for most everything, but your last question 
about a howto doc may get more responses on a larger list like the 
IMP list.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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