[sork] Forwards and Vacation fail to connect to ftp server.

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Jan 9 15:24:13 PST 2003

Quoting "Pape, Michael J. (sysadm)" <papem at union.edu>:

> After some recent upgrades to apache and php, the vacation and forwards
> applications stopped working, with error messages stating:
> "Failure in removing forward: Connection to ftp server failed. Check
> your username and password."

Did you make any changes to the horde/vacation/forward config files?  Or
just to apache/php?  Any other changes?
> I am using the correct username and password.

Do your ftp logs show anything for the failures?

Basically this is saying the ftp connection failed for some reason.  The
part about checking the user/password is just there as it is the most common
reason for a failure, but there is no real relationship between the failure
and the userame/password hint.  So all you really know is the ftp connection
failed, no idea why.

Could very well be something like your new php doesn't have ftp support 
enabled???  (See horde/test.php to check)

> -MJP

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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