[sork] Passwd and IMP

G G Papazoglou grp at med.uoc.gr
Tue Jan 28 17:36:28 PST 2003

> You can run the latest release candidate for passwd, which no longer
> needs a logout.  Or you can try setting the inital page to login to,
> but not sure about that.  Or instead of logging out, you can just try
> to go to IMP, which will fail and redirect you to a login screen, which
> should return you to IMP.

> I hate to say it, but the release candidate may be your best option.

Thanks for the response Eric. Actually, I've done something a lot
easier: in horde/passwd/templates/menu/menu.inc I've substituted

Menu::printItem(Horde::url($registry->getWebRoot('horde') . '/login.php?reason=logout'),
_("Logout"), 'logout.gif', $registry->getGraphicsPath("horde"));


Menu::printItem(Horde::url($registry->getWebRoot('imp') . '/login.php?reason=logout'),
_("Logout"), 'logout.gif', $registry->getGraphicsPath("horde"));

And it works perfectly as expected now.

I appreciate your help anyway.


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