upgrade to passwd 2.2 RC1, same result :( was Re: [sork] passwd problem, blank display)

Admin-Stress meerkapot at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 4 01:23:59 PST 2003

I updated to passwd-2.2 RC1 but still, I got blank display.

To reproduce this :

   - Login to imp
   - Click 'password' for changing password
   -    change the password
   - click logout
   - Login to imp
   -    Got blank display (html source attached).

passwd-2.2 does not required to logout, but if I clicked "Mail", I got the imp login page. Then
what does "not required to logout" means?
>From here, I did NOT get blank display.

I got blank display only if I clicked "logout" after changed password. If I clicked "Mail", I got
no problem when login again.

I use latest poppassd.

Please if anyone know how to debug this, or is this the 'current' problem?

I dont use any proxy.
There was no error in httpd / system log.


--- Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> wrote:
> Quoting Admin-Stress <meerkapot at yahoo.com>:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed Horde 2.2, imp 3.1, passwd 2.1 under RedHat 8.0
> Using what driver? Poppassd?
> Are you using an imap proxy program or anything?
> > Horde + imp is working fine, but here is the passwd problem:
> > 
> >    After I changed the password, I clicked logout, then log back in,
> >    I got blank display, only "Welcome, <username> .... logout"
> Look at the html source and see if there are any errors or clues there.
> Also look at your system log files, and web server logs.
> > You can see the screen shot in the attachment.
> It didn't make it through to the list.
> > What could that be the problem?
> Sounds like a problem outside of passwd, or with a cache maybe?  Not sure.
> > If I open a new browser, the changed password was ok, I can log in normally.
> Most strange.
> There should be a new version of passwd out soon which will remove the need
> to logout and login again.  You might want to wait for that, or try the
> release candidate for it.  But of course you shouldn't have to do that --
> the 2.1 release should work fine.

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