[sork] Passwd, vpopmail and mysql

Paul Hamby paulh at zeecon.com
Thu Feb 13 16:42:27 PST 2003

After trying md5-base64 and realizing that I didn't have mhash or mcrypt
compiled into php, I recompiled php with mhash and mcrypt, but I'm still
getting the same
error. I found an article in the archives
concerning vpopmail's encryption and
how it is a diffierent technique, is this the 'crypt' selection in the
backends.php file? I tried that also, but with the
same result. Has this
in been implemented into the code? Sorry, if my questions are
little silly.
Here is a snippet from the mysql log:
030213 15:19:16     121 Connect     horde at localhost on
                    121 Init DB     horde
                    121 Init DB     horde
                    121 Query       SELECT pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value
FROM horde_prefs where pref_uid = 'paulh at pwh3.com' and (pref_scope =
or pref_scope = 'horde') order by pref_scope
030213 15:19:32     105 Init DB     vpopmail
                    105 Init DB     vpopmail
                    105 Query       SELECT pw_passwd FROM vpopmail WHERE
pw_name = 'paulh' AND pw_domain = 'pwh3.com'

It appears that the driver is querying the sql server properly, so it seems
that it must be encryption differences.

Here is my backends.php file:

$backends['vpopmail'] = array (
    'name' => 'vpopmail Authentication',
    'preferred' => '',
    'password policy' => array(
        'minLength' => 3,
        'maxLength' => 64,
        'maxSpace' => 0,
        'minUpper' => 0,
        'minLower' => 0,
        'minNumeric' => 0
    'driver' => 'vpopmail',
    'params' => array(
        'phptype'    => 'mysql',
        'hostspec'   => 'localhost',
        'username'   => 'vpopmailuser',
        'password'   => '*****',
        'encryption' => 'crypt',
        'database'   => 'vpopmail',
        'table'      => 'vpopmail',
        'name'    => 'pw_name',
        'domain'  => 'pw_domain',
        'passwd' =>  'pw_passwd',
        'clear_passwd' => 'pw_clear_passwd',
        'use_clear_passwd' => true

Thanks for all the help so far.

Thank you,
Paul Hamby
Network Administrator
paulh at zeecon.com

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