[sork] Vacation, blank from address

MiikaT mlist.horde at finansium.fi
Wed Feb 26 08:08:41 PST 2003

Quoting MiikaT:

>> When I first setup a vacation notice, it will work like a charm. Then I
>> disable the vacation notice and reset it. If I receive a mail to the
>> and it is replied by vacation, the receiver will get the vacation notice
>> with a blank "From" address/name.

>but then if you disable and recreate the vacation notice it responds with a
>blank from addresss?  More details please... I'm not 100% sure I understand
>the problem.

That's basically the case, here's some header examples, from vacation
replies, here it works:

Return-path: <testi at xxx.com>
Envelope-to: miika at yyy.fi
Delivery-date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:11:28 +0200
Received: from [] (helo=barbrady.yyy.fi)
	by yyy.fi with smtp (Exim 4.10)
	id 18nDhw-0000hz-00
	for miika at yyy.fi; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:11:28 +0200
Received: from xxx.com ([])
 by barbrady.yyy.fi (NAVGW with SMTP id M2003022410102907129
 for <miika at yyy.fi>; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:11:13 +0200
Received: from testi by yyy.com with local (Exim 4.12)
	id 18nDli-0004z2-00
	for miika at yyy.fi; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:15:22 +0200
To: miika at yyy.fi
Subject: On vacation message
Message-Id: <E18nDli-0004z2-00 at xxx.com>
From: Testi user <testi at xxx.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:15:22 +0200

And here it doesn't:

Return-path: <testi at xxx.com>
Envelope-to: miika at yyy.fi
Delivery-date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:13:28 +0200
Received: from [] (helo=barbrady.yyy.fi)
	by yyyy.fi with smtp (Exim 4.10)
	id 18nDjs-0000kl-00
	for miika at yyy.fi; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:13:28 +0200
Received: from xxx.com ([])
 by barbrady.yyy.fi (NAVGW with SMTP id M2003022410122829727
 for <miika at yyy.fi>; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:13:12 +0200
Received: from testi by xxx.com with local (Exim 4.12)
	id 18nDne-00050M-00
	for miika at yyy.fi; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:17:22 +0200
To: miika at yyy.fi
Subject: On vacation message

Looks like the the 2nd header (and the ones after that) lack the "From"
field. If I setup the vacation from shell, it will work every time. Could
this have something to do with PHP version? I have another setup with 4.1.2
which works ok, although it's with Horde 2.2. Can't really undestand, why it
works in the first place. If I disable the vacation notice, all vacation
related files are gone from user dir. I haven't setup any db backend for
vacation, as I understood it should work without one.


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