[sork] Passwd 2.2 module and OpenLDAP issue...

Michael P. Hilty mikeh at jordanacoustical.com
Thu Mar 27 20:17:13 PST 2003

Quoting "amith at xalan.com" <amith at xalan.com>:

> | Failure in changing password : Incorect Password
> |
> |      The documentation for the passwd module contains almost no
> information
> | on
> | configuring it for an LDAP backend.  I have tried several different
> settings
> | in
> | the backends.php file, and all of them give the same error message.
> |      Here is the LDAP section of my backends.php:
> |
> I'm assuming you are putting example.com in there to replace your real
> domain. 

I am...  just protecting my client... ;-)

> Also have you run LDAP in debug mode?  (slapd -d 256 for normal and slapd -d
> -1
> for very verbose debugging)  That will help you to see what is happening.

I tried running the LDAP server with the command line you recommended (-d -1), 
and it gave me some definate insight into this issue.

For some reason, when the passwd module is trying to bind to the OpenLDAP 
server, it is trying to bind with the user's full e-mail address, followed by 
the LDAP DN.  (eg.  mikeh at example.com,dc=example,dc=com instead of 

What I need to find is where in either the configuration, or in the passwd PHP 
code it is building this bind request.

Thanks for the tips so far.

Mike Hilty
Trilogy GraFX Consulting

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