[sork] Passwd 2.2 module and OpenLDAP issue...

amith at xalan.com amith at xalan.com
Thu Mar 27 12:38:33 PST 2003

| For some reason, when the passwd module is trying to bind to the OpenLDAP
| server, it is trying to bind with the user's full e-mail address, followed by
| the LDAP DN.  (eg.  mikeh at example.com,dc=example,dc=com instead of
| uid=mikeh,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com).

That's because Auth::getAuth() is returning mikeh at example.com instead of mikeh. 
You'll probably want something before the entry to extract the right part

$user = split('@',Auth::getAuth();)

and then for the binddn parameter you want

binddn = 'uid=" . $user[0] . ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com';


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