[sork] Re: [cvs] commit: ingo/config backends.php.dist ingo/lib/Driver vfs.php ingo/lib/Script procmail.php

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 17 12:29:53 PDT 2003

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Apropos vacation: Would it make any sense to somehow merge the Vacation
> module and Ingo? I see both ways being possible: replacing Vacation by Ingo
> or using Vacation in Ingo.
> But I have too few knowledge about Vacation to have a strong opinion about
> this, just thinking loud.

If ingo can support all the backends that vacation/forwards support, which
is where it is now heading, then vacation/forwards would become obsolete
and be replaced by ingo.  I have no problem with this per se.  But I won't
obsolete either module until ingo supports at least most of the backends
which are currently supported in vacation/forwards.

I think obsoleting vacation/forwards with ingo would be a good thing...
How ever, I'm not an ingo user, more less an expert.  But it looks like
the way ingo is moving under Brent it should soon be able to take over
this type of functionality, and if so I would support that.  I suppose
as the maintainer of vacations/forwards, my vote would be fairly meaningful ;)

> Jan.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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