[sork] Warning messages

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu May 1 23:30:39 PDT 2003

Quoting Juha Louhiranta <charn at charn.fi.eu.org>:

> Hi!
> I have this little problem... I have Horde 2.2.3 and I installed Sork
> (accounts,
> passwd, forwards, vacation) and added those thing things that were mentioned
> in
> Sorks components INSTALL texts to Hordes regitry.php.. Sork works just fine,
> but
> I get these error messages from Horde:
> Warning: Undefined index: status in /var/www/html/horde/lib/Registry.php on
> line 156

The docs are a bit out of date.  They should say:

   If there is not already a "vacation" configuration stanza in your
   horde/config/registry.php file, then you need to add one.  You want
   a stanza that looks like:
$this->applications['vacation'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vacation',
    'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/vacation',
    'icon' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] .
    'name' => _("Vacation"),
    'allow_guests' => false,
    'show' => true
The above is for Horde 2.0 and 2.1 versions. For Horde 2.2 change the last
line from from "'show' => true" to "'status' => 'active'" instead.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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