[sork] Passwd, Vacation usernames

Barry Loper barry at plexuscomp.com
Fri Oct 31 12:00:33 PST 2003

Hi all,
 Bear with me please, because I don't know a lick of PHP.

Here's the deal, I've got Horde 2.2.4, passwd 2.2,  vacation 2.1 and forwards 
I'm running multiple domains with vpopmail. Users login to Horde through IMP 
with user at domain.com.  Things work pretty good. (turba, kronolith).  Of 
course, users want to set vacation notices and change their passwords.  
Thanks to the Sork team that looks like it will be possible. 

Problem is that I need vacation/forwards/passwd to use my full user id 
"user at domain.com" when it does anything with the user name. I've been digging 
through the archives of this list and the closest thing I've found (which I 
already knew by reading the comments) is "use the ['hook']!".  

Ok, problem is that I don't know how. Another problem is that the vacation 
conf.php doesn't seem to have this ['hook'] thing in it.  I can get around 
this in passwd because it allows the user to modify the default "username" 
that comes up and add "domain.com" to it. Vacation and forwards don't have 
such a feature.

Is there anyone who can offer a patch, snipet of code, or at least point me in 
a good direction to solving this problem. Please don't say "learn PHP". I 
might yet but this needs to be working before then. 

Thanks people.

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