[sork] [vacation] missing hordeauth and norealm in conf.xml

Martin Luethi horde at humbapa.ch
Wed Jan 28 02:59:29 PST 2004

hi list,

the hordeauth- and norealm-parameters are missing in the
vacation xml-config (except for the forwards-driver)

i'm not sure where to include this 2 parameters, my guess is:
- norealm: leave it inside the forwards-driver and add it also to
           the qmail-driver
- hordeauth: add it to each driver

would be nice to change hordeauth to string also:
false: prompt for password
true: use the user's login password
full: same as true, but the username will be used unmodified (like e.g. the
      backends-config in gollem)

the following files use hordeauth also:

g. tinu

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