[sork] FORWARDS and Web-Cyradm mysql

Bartosz Jozwiak bartek at cq-link.sr
Thu Apr 8 12:22:24 PDT 2004

> Quoting Bartosz Jozwiak <bartek at cq-link.sr>:
> > I have a question. Does FORWARDS support Web-Cyradm MySql schema
> > to set up forwards?
> I do not know.  It does have an sql driver, but I can't say if that
> will work for web-cyradm or not since I don't know web-cyradm.
> > If not is there a plan to add support in the future?
> If there isn't, then we would gladly take a submission, but it isn't
> on any todo list yet.
> > Bartek
> --
> Eric Rostetter

It would be great to submit it to "TODO" list.
How I can submit it ?


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