[sork] vacation/forward with spamassassin

Joe Hamelin joe at nethead.com
Thu Apr 8 14:55:34 PDT 2004

I'm running a bsd box with horde/imp and spamassassin.  I'm using
spamd which seems to require a line in .forward to pass the mail to
procmail for spamd to process.  I've installed the new (2.2.1)
versions of vacation and forward and have found that they wipe out
.forward and replace it with what they want and then rm the file when
they are disabled.  This, of course, doesn't work well with

The line I use in .forward to pass the mail to spamd looks like this:

"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75"

I'd like to have it so that all forwarded and vacationed mail is
passed through spamd before any other action is taken.  If not that,
at least have the old .forward file replaced when forward or vacation
is disabled.

Is there a solution in the works or should I just hack the php to fix
it for just my site?


Joe Hamelin

   Joe Hamelin       joe at nethead.com                W7COM
   Nethead, Inc.   Edmonds, Washington       206.898.8086

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