[sork] Re: passwd 2.2.1-RC1 + vpopmail + mysql

Darren V. admin at stormreaver.net
Fri Apr 9 10:23:57 PDT 2004

Heya Chris! Thank you very much for looking into this!

"Chris Nojima" <chris at toastedpixel.com> wrote in message
news:chris-95EA27.00334709042004 at sea.gmane.org...
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.sork/1114/match=passwd+vpopmail
> +patch

I applied that patch from the first set of instructions you had sent me

> right, your problem stems from the use of "--disable-many-domains" at
> the configuration point of your vpopmail (which creates a table for each
> virtual domain instead of storing all users in a single table).  i think
> you mentioned using a qmail-toaster distribution.  curious that it came
> this way, as iirc, that's not a default option at configuration time.

I installed the toaster with all defaults, except I disallowed roaming

> passwd currently doesn't seem to support that particular part of
> vpopmail.

I'm noticing. I wish I could start over, but I've got too many user accounts
as it is.


I tried your changes, but still get the same ":User not found" returned. In
other words, even before the password is looked at, there's still no correct
look into the database and tables to verify the user. (Which I suppose seems
a bit silly since the user has to be logged in to change password anyways)
If I had to guess, I'd say it's failing somewhere in function _lookup(), but
I'm hardly the expert.

I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks much for taking the time to look into


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