[sork] Re: Backquotes in parser

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Apr 9 13:42:44 PDT 2004

Quoting Espen Jürgensen <espen at hhkol.dk>:

> However, I personally would recommend changing from PEAR to imap_rfc 
> in make_email instead, because:


> 1) It would lower the amount of dependencies

The reverse, actually. Compiling PHP --with-imap is a much steeper dependancy
than a PEAR module - and just because you're using forwards doesn't 
mean you're
using IMP.

> 3) PEAR/parseAddressList is broken, if you give it something really bad
> it returns:
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: raiseerror() in
> /usr/share/php/Mail/RFC822.php on line 189

You must have a really old Mail package. That was fixed quite a while ago.

>> You might want to update your copy as the discussion continues, and
>> submit an updated patch afterwards...
> Yes, I will do that.

Great, I'll wait for an updated patch. Thanks!


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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