[sork] UPDATED Patch for Passwd LDAP driver

Kendrick Vargas ken at hudat.com
Tue May 4 13:32:12 PDT 2004

Just outta curiousity, what does it take to get a patch accepted?

I ask because I submitted a patch a few weeks ago for the forwards
portions of sork, based on up to the minute CVS that added a customsql
driver as well as configuration options to the XML config and made the
password requirement optional (again, with associated XML config changes).

I didn't hear anything about it either saying "nope, this is just an ugly
hack" or "cool, I'll apply this". I would've liked to hear either one of
those, as long as my contribution wasn't just ignored :-)

So, what's the process for submitting patches?

On Tue, 4 May 2004, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting LRM <lrm at ionline.com.br>:
> > Ok, I've got the latest CVS commit you have done, and here is the last patch
> > based on that CVS commit.
> Great, committed. Thanks!
> -chuck
> --
> "Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

Let he who is without clue kiss my ass

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